You may tex us at 770-842-1232
Prayer time. Always remember our Lord is here, awake and alive and hears your pryaers.
This is the time for prayer. Gaza and the children need your prayers and most certainly praying for the leaders in the middle east to have the Lord Jesus give them Wisdom.
Missions throughout the year (Refugee help)

Please contact Sister Rita Sabbagh if you can donate a new single or twin beds for our new refugee families arriving from the middle east

اهلا و سهلا بكم في  كل اسبوع

يسعد الكنيسة العربية باستضافتكمم خلال هذا الوقت كل الاسبوع  و كل احد للعبادة معأ


اهلا و سهلا بكم