First Arabic Baptist Church - Atlanta Ga.
Become a partner. 
Your Donations are key to the Arabic Missions Focus, all donations are used for this mission locally.

Please pass the message of worship to your neighbor and together we can reach the world by spreading His Word.  Your donations goes a long way to support the Arabic Mission


All proceeds (100%) will support the mission. Church leaders and support personnel  in this church are dedicated volunteers. No one receives any compensation for their work. 

This is a great time to give. Your help is important.

The Arabic Church, Atlanta is now considered the revival and fellowship location for all Middle Easterners Christians and Muslims. The Lord is doing great Miracles with many families, Christians non believers and especially Arabic refugees Muslims .

The Arabic Refugees re-settlers especially the Iraqi's, Syrians and others whom are seeking Christ are here around the corner; They find the Arabic Baptist Church as their second home. They find the Arabic Culture, The Arabic Language and the Arabic text and more especially the great smiles and open arms to welcome them to the Lords home.

We invite Friends, Christian communities to contribute their talent,  time and abilities so that the call of missions is achieved by reaching the un-saved and the needy here at Home (Atlanta, Clarkston and beyond). The members, and supporters are working daily for the Glory of God, now we need you to assist by working hand in hand with our small Arabic Church members.

Your Donations are key to the missions success. We host retreats and conferences that are designed to reach-out to the community. We teach the Salvation message in Arabic to the families that are English challenged.

All donations go toward this mission work here locally. 

Arabic Baptist Church- Atlanta

*** Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7